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About BurnBright

BurnOut to BurnBright

Burnout is not new.  It is universal and it is chronic. 


My first experience was burnout was, of course, my own - my first post on this site is about my experience and the many years it has impacted my life. Burnout completely shifted my life trajectory. For that reason, I do understand the way it can get its claws in your and refuse to let go. 


More recently, as Covid-19 ramped up in 2020, the need of the community around me intensified at lightening speed.  No one was prepared for this.  While providers had been burning out before, suddenly they were disappearing in a puff of smoke. More than that, I was hearing from my sister - a Covid floor nurse - and television programs had burnout experts on right and left. The pandemic might be getting pushed out of sight, but the burnout crisis is as explosive as ever. 


I am not the first person to look at burnout; I am not the utmost expert on the topic.  What I am, is someone who has walked through that fire for myself, and who has helped my clients figure out for themselves what they need to do to address their own chronic stress.  We discuss individual needs, then we establish day-to-day and large-scale changes, and we implement them. We also work together to figure out how to maintain progress and how to reignite that spark that impassioned us in the first place. 


Project BurnBright is dedicated to creating a community where providers from all walks can come together to find support, find tips and inspire motivation. 


We hope you will join us. 

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch if you have questions, wish to contribute or need to get started on yourself

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